
Translation of:

E100 Challenge

Before you begin your journey through the Bible, it may be helpful to consult a map. So here is a brief description of the 20 sections of the study and how they fit into the “great story” – God’s plan of salvation.


In the beginning – The Bible introduces us to its main character – God – right in the first sentence. God’s first action is to create a beautiful and complex world, where people created in “his image and likeness” can see. Unfortunately, it does not take long for the first people, Adam and Eve, to fail and be separated from God. This has determined the great dilemma of life: how can imperfect men and women and sinners reconcile themselves to a holy and perfect God?

Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob – Fortunately, God takes the initiative to resolve the dilemma. Your first step is to start an intimate relationship with a group of people. Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, sometimes called the Patriarchs, are chosen by God to initiate this special group of people – the Israelites.

The Story of Joseph – The Bible has long been in the history of this man and his family. Initially, it seems that God’s plan to create a special nation is undone when Joseph is sold as a slave and taken prisoner in Egypt. But, in fact, it is in Egypt that the “chosen people” expand and pass from one family to one nation.

Moses and the Exodus – Finally, the Egyptians begin to oppress the Israelites. So God chooses Moses to lead the people to freedom. During the process, God demonstrates His extraordinary power and teaches important lessons to the people about trusting and obeying Him. This ransom, known as Exodus, also becomes the symbol of the far more important freedom that God would offer his people – freedom from the dominion of sin.

The Law and the Land – Many years before, God promised to give a territory to the descendants of Abraham. Moses leads the people from the wilderness to the frontier of the promised land. But it is Joshua who leads, finally, the people across the Jordan River and into the land of Canaan. Along the way, God shows how he wants his people to live by giving him the Ten Commandments.

The Judges – The Israelites now become a nation and enter the prophesied land, but they have no king. Instead, God gives them a series of “interim leaders,” called judges, whose primary responsibility is to defend the people from the enemies around them. As we read these impressive accounts, we learn the consequences of disobedience as well as God’s response when the people cry out and turn to Him.

The Ascension of Israel – God finally gives a king to Israel; Saul begins well, but in the end is rejected by God because of his disobedience; David, the boy who defeats the giant and becomes a national hero, succeeds Saul. Israel reaches the high point of its history, due to David’s military victories and his spiritual passion. King David becomes the symbol of a greater king to come – Jesus Christ.

The Fall of Israel – Although King Solomon is remembered for his wisdom and the incredible deeds he performed, at the end of his reign he opened the door – if only a little – to idolatry. Over time, this little compromise causes the people to turn away from God and worship the false gods of the surrounding nations. Israel’s idolatry results in devastating punishment.

Psalms and Proverbs – The Psalms is a book of prayer and praise written, mostly by David. It gives us access to the inner life of someone whom the Bible describes as “a man after the heart of God.” The Book of Proverbs is a collection of words, especially of Solomon, filled with practical wisdom, to live in a way that pleases God.

Prophets – Throughout the history of Israel, God sends prophets who have the difficult task of declaring judgment on the idolatry and sin of the people. The prophets also foretell the coming of a Messiah. As the Anti-go Testament approaches its end, we continue to wait to unravel the most wonderful part of God’s plan.


The word Viva – What God has been saying throughout the history of Israel, through signs and wonders, by the Law and the prophets, now, says it in person. As John the Apostle said, “The Word became man and he dwelt among us” (John 1:14). Jesus Christ was the living and true declaration of God’s love for the world.

The Teachings of Jesus – Jesus communicates his message to the crowds in the form of sermons and stories based on real life (parables). In his most famous sermon, the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus draws upon the Law of Moses and explains, with incredible insight, how God intends us to live. In the parables, Jesus describes in a remarkable way one of the central themes of his teaching – the kingdom of God.

The Miracles of Jesus – The four Gospels record many of the miracles Jesus performs during his public ministry. He heals the sick, obliterates the laws of nature, drives out demons, and returns the dead to life. His miracles are not only a demonstration of his compassion and power, but the proof that he is who he claims to be – the Son of God.

The Cross of Christ – The main reason why Jesus comes to earth is to pay the penalty that a perfect God requires for our sin, and to offer salvation to all who believe in Him. He does so through his death and resurrection. The cross of Christ is at the center of God’s plan for salvation. It is the way he solves the “great dilemma” of disobedience, allowing any person to relate to him. These are the Good News of Christianity!

The Birth of the Church – After the resurrection, Jesus returns to heaven, but envisions a “greater gift” – the Holy Spirit. This marks the birth of the Church. In addition, it also initiates a drastic expansion in God’s plan of salvation. Since Abraham has related God, only with a group of people, the Israelites. But now, the door of salvation is open to all.

Paul’s Travels – The most energetic ambassador of the early Church is the apostle Paul. Originally, Paul is a relentless enemy of the Church. But God radically transforms him on the road to Damascus and turns him into a fearless witness of Christ. Paul’s missionary journeys are recorded in the Book of Acts and are the main reason why the gospel begins to spread throughout the world.

From Paul to the Churches – Paul writes letters to recent Christians from the churches he started. Through them, he explains the gospel, encourages them to grow in their walk with God, and offers practical help for Christian living. Your letters are as relevant today as they were 2000 years ago.

From Paul to the Leaders – Paul knows that for the church to grow he needs leaders capable of continuing the work after him. Thus he writes letters to the leaders of the churches to instruct them and warn them against false teachers. Since the church is the means through which God will continue to expand his plan of salvation throughout the world until Jesus returns, faithful leadership was absolutely vital.

The Teachings of the Apostles – Beyond Paul, other apostles; like Peter, James and John, also wrote letters to encourage and teach the early followers of Jesus. These letters help us to understand the different aspects of the Gospel and the Christian life, also offering us some of the most famous passages in the Bible.

Revelation – Near the end of his life (about AD 95), the apostle John has a spectacular vision, through which, God reveals specific messages to seven first-century churches. These images are still applicable to 21st century churches. Finally, John’s vision foresees and describes the second coming of Christ, when God’s plan of salvation attains ultimate fulfillment.

Bible Society of Lithuaniav.4.24.4